Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Policy development Essay

In layman’s terms, policy may be defined as a deliberate plan of action that is used to guide decisions and thereby achieve rational outcomes. There is a fallacy that policies only apply to governments. Policies may also apply to private sector organizations, groups and individuals. Difference between policy and law To a great extent, laws are used for compelling or prohibiting behaviors. Conversely, policies are used to guide actions so that the desired action may be achieved. There various types of policies. These include public, fiscal and urban policies. Consequently, policies may then be understood as the political, management and administrative mechanisms arranged to reach certain explicit goals. Involvement Various individuals and groups in society try to shape up policy by way of advocacy, education and the mobilization of interest groups. The aim of doing so is to sway the policy makers to make decisions that will be in their favor. It is all about interest at the end of the day. If particular groups in society feel it is in their interest that certain policies be made in their favor, they try as much to advocate for them by way of lobbying. According to Cohen, De la Vega & Watson, in advocacy, certain groups or individuals in society take it upon themselves to educate the public and also the policy makers about the nature of the problems, the kind of legislation required to deal with the said problems including the funding required to provide the necessary services and/or conduct research (2001). In my community located in a small town in Pennsylvania, the major issue of concern is access to clean water. Water is life so the saying goes. However, in my small community, more and more people are finding it considerably hard to access reliable and safe water. Most of the local streams where the majority of the people obtain their water from are becoming openly polluted (Clean Water Action, N. d. ). This makes the water an issue of serious concern. As an individual member of our local community organization, known as, Water is Life, involvement is usually in the following policy areas. The reason I am involved in the policy is, unless the issue is addressed sooner rather than later, it may turn disastrous. There is no life without water. Lobbying The aim is to influence our representatives to institute meaningful change (Richan, 2006). The local town council which is an arm of the government needs to make sure that clean water is availed. The mayor’s election pledge was that clean water will be provided to the residents of the community as soon as he got into office. It has been six months and the taps are still dry. Consequently, I have established that the most effective lobby methods to use so as to reach the locals are letter writing, phone calls and meetings. This way the residents stay informed on the activities that the organization is involved in. However, the use of e-mails has proved to be much faster and convenient. With the growth of information and communication technology, members of the community have access to the internet (Grassroots lobbying techniques, N. d). However, it is not only the resident of the community who have been receiving the letters, emails and phone calls but also the mayor and Governor Rendell. Advocacy Cohen, De la Vega & Watson, define advocacy as the quest of influencing outcomes that in one way or another have an effect on people’s lives (2001). Advocacy is an integral part in policy and resource allocation decision. Advocacy is necessary if the adoption of the Buffer 100 policy is to become a reality and also if the protection of the streams and provision of clean water is to be realized. Through advocacy, the community organization Water is Life, has been able to give a voice to the residents of the community. More over, it has helped to mobilize them towards a common goal. Community mobilization The single most important resource that a community may use to influence policy is the people. When the people get together, they are better able to provide solutions to their most immediate problems. As part of the mobilization efforts, I am involved in handling out of pamphlets and organizing village meetings (Handbook, N. d). However, it is important to note that all these endeavors may not be successful without some kind of education. The locals have to be clearly informed on why their participation is important. Accordingly, the community organization (Water is Life), which may be regarded to an interest group pushing for the needs of the community and the policy implementers (the town council, the Office of the Mayor and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) may be referred to as the main actors. They are the main players in this policy issue. The individuals who have mostly been affected by the policy are the residents of the community. These actors are involved in different parts of the policy development process, right from the identification of the problem all through to the evaluations stage. Issue of concern There are many people in the community who are facing the possibility of not being able to access safe water. The residents should unite and support the implementation of the Buffer 100 policy which will protect the Pennsylvania streams from pollution (Clean water Action (N. d. ). Clean water has many uses. For drinking, cooking, washing and cleaning. There is as strain on the availability of safe water because the population has increased while water sources have remained constant while some have been destroyed. It is hard to imagine what the situation will be like in a few years time with population growth. There will be more demand for clean drinking water though the supply will be next to none. While the community was able to support a smaller population in the early 1980’s comfortable with the water resource given by Mother Nature, it has become considerably hard to continue with the trend. Human activity (pollution), the clearing of forests and other water catchments areas plus the effects of global warming are all to blame (Real Estate Futurist, 2009). The Clean Water Act is the chief federal law in the United States used to govern water pollution (Ryan, 2004). The clean water issue is contained within the broader realm of environmental policies. To a great extent, the formulation of water policy heavily relies on input from numerous parties/actors; from individuals, groups, communities and policy implementers. Their main duty is to avail critical information and expertise necessary for the understanding and addressing of water provision concerns. Extent to which the issue affects a larger number of people It has already been established that clean water is an absolute necessity. Without clean water, the existence of life becomes precarious. According to United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on climate change, a massive 2 billion people will not have access to clean drinking water by the year 2050. What is even more shocking is that the number may rise to 3. 2 billion people by the year 2080 (Associated Press, 2008). For evidence and proof that indeed water has become a scarce resource one only needs to open the newspapers and /or watch news for pictures of dry barren lands and animal carcasses under the scorching sun in such parts of the world as Africa. In the US, some regions are at the limit of their fresh water supplies. One major region that is experiencing water shortage is California. It is expected that between the year 2000 and 2015, the population will have doubled up. Think of the resulting stress on the provision of clean water. The lack of water has far reaching consequences. There will be less food production. Think of the West part of America which relies on irrigation to sustain agriculture (Real Estate Futurist, 2009)? Less food production will then mean that food will become more expensive. In the US, the people who may be most affected by the lack of safe water are the very young and the old. Thus, these include children of school going age and the old people most of who live in retirement homes. More over, people from marginalized communities for instance, the Latin Americans and immigrants from other countries may be affected. In terms of gender, women may be most affected as they are the ones who are mostly charged with the duties of looking for water. More over, they perform most of the activities where water is primal such as cooking and cleaning. Nevertheless, people who are in the lower end of the income bracket will also be more affected. Think of the people in manual/temporary labor who earn less than one dollar a day. In the event of water shortage, they will not have any money to spare for the purchase of water. They may then result to using contaminated water which is a health hazard. There is need for the adoption of better policies that will guarantee better access to safe water regardless of race or social class. Conclusion Policies are deliberate plan of actions used to not only guide decision but also to achieve a logical and rational outcome in particular issues and activities. Some of today’s policy issues are to be found in the environmental, health and education sectors. The availability and provision of safe water is a serious local and global issue in the environmental realm. Individuals and groups alike are involved in advocacy and lobbying as a way of influencing actors involved in policy development and implementation such as government representatives to act accordingly. The aim is to voice the concern of the people most affected by the issues; local communities. Unless, the water issue is addressed now there will be worse things to worry about in future. References. Clean water Action (N. d. ). Retrieved March 20, 2009 from http://www.cleanwateraction. org/ Clean Water. (2009). Real Estate Futurist. Retrieved March 20, 2009 from http://www. realestatefuturist. com/re-environmentwater. asp Cohen, D. , De la Vega, R. & Watson, G. (2001). Advocacy for social justice. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press Inc. Experts warn of severe water shortages by 2080. (2008). Associated Press. Retrieved March 20, 2009 from http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/27781117/l Gerston, L. (1997). Public policy making: Process and principle. New York: M. E. Sharpe. Grass root lobbying techniques. (N. d. ). Retrieved March 20 2009 from http://fsalc. com/root. html Handbook: Non-formal adult education facilitators. (N. d. ). Retrieved March 20, 2009 http://www2. unescobkk. org/elib/publications/nonformal/M1. pdf Richan, W. (2006). Lobbying for social change. New York: Routledge. Ryan, M. (2004). The Clean Water Act handbook. Chicago: American Bar Association. Smith, B. (2003). Public policy and public participation: Engaging citizens and community in the development of public policy. Health Canada. Retrieved March 20, 2009 from http://www. phac-aspc. gc. ca/canada/regions/atlantic/pdf/pub_policy_partic_e. pdf

Accidental Buddhist Essay

I’d never heard of this book before I started this class. I’ve always been interested in the nature and customs of different cultures in other countries. That may be one of the reasons why I took this class. I believe another reason is that I had already taken Western Religion and wanted to learn more. This book didn’t really spark my interest at first but after I got to reading it I seemed to keep going back to it and reading more. In the book the author Dinty Moore takes a year and begins to ponder the shift to Buddhism. He does this along with a couple other Americans. Along with some other things that he does he got to a strict Zen Monastery and a loose Theravada Center. Moore also interviews experts and visits a pair of struggling cushion makers. The author gets the extreme honor and pleasure of being able to ask the Dalai Lama a question when he attends a talk at Indiana University. This inspires a little of his own quest for meaning after the God from his childhood left him for the most part but also left a sense of suffering. His travels proved worth while and often modestly told exploration of one mans mid-life quest for something that was spiritually missing. This book moves more towards the less visible and un-promoted side of how Buddhism is starting to filter into today’s American life. For Moore this fits better than the shaved head, mantra chanting, and incense wreathed thought that most Westerners have associated with Dharma. The author looks for something or someway for him to replace what he lacked from his childhood faith. In the book, he seeks guidance towards confronting and being able to answer the big questions that leave us dissatisfied and wanting more information. My favorite parts of this book were Chapters 6 â€Å"Catholic Boy Zen† and 9 â€Å"The Plain-Spoken Theravada. † In Chapter six the author talks to Fr. Robert Jinsen Kennedy who is a Jersey Jesuit that combines Zen and Catholicism. Their intelligent conversation addressed the lack of maturity in ways that Catholicism has been presented to those who came from his generation. There were the last ones to get the pre-Vatican II version of the negative â€Å"thou shalt not† mindset which was combined with a simplified version of God and Jesus that was manufactured for an easy transmission to about a billion followers. Moore acknowledges that his current attraction towards Buddhism may be an overreaction to the Catholicism from his childhood. Even the Dali Lama’s own caution for Westerners not to over romanticize Buddhism as opposed to their â€Å"Judeo-Christian† mentality hits a nerve as the author listens to the Tibetan leader respond in Indiana to his own question. Inside Chapter Nine it reveals a growing comfort with Dharma. Moore takes pains not to glamorize those who adapt to Buddhism. Being well-read in this field his sources remain largely invisible and he aims for an accessible jargon-free presentation that anyone can understand. The author concentrates on overcoming his â€Å"rock† with in, his resistance and his angst, his entrapment in the cycle of suffering, and keeping his anger in. this is similar to many Irish Catholic males of at least a certain age and upbringing. Everything that has happened in his life has compelled him to look for what is missing and wanting to find out more about Buddhism. Moore attempts to get over the thing that permeates our mental habits which he calls the â€Å"if only† postponement of happiness. The author compares this to missing the sights and sounds of a hiking trail because your rushing down it eager to finish. He also compares it to him driving down the interstate thinking of how the vehicles engineering detracts from distractions but it also blurs any sense of the journey’s own beauties and discoveries. One of the things that challenge Mr. Moore to slow down and appreciate wisdom is his fear that forty-five years of work and the worry of twenty years over lost opportunities will zip past him. The author knows full well a few hours of practicing Buddhism over a years’ time won’t bring on dazzling illuminations. However, after he attends a second Zen retreat gets a glimpse of more than he had in the beginning. He tries as a mediator to silence the restless â€Å"monkey man† inside, before calming down: â€Å"Maybe enlightenment is when the monkey just sees the sunset and when the sunset ends that monkey just looks at the stars. Another thing Moore brings up is that â€Å"You can’t slow the brain down with a few brief attempts any more easily than you can stop a speeding freight train with a white picket fence. † To the authors astonishment he adapts well to being able to sit still. Even though there are no dramatic changes in his life he grows calmer, more equitable, and perhaps become a lot happier. Instead of being a self-promoting journey towards insight this book ends up being very quiet. If this book were found at the right time and in the right mood it should be satisfying to a patient and quiet seeker. However, this could be too much for the eager inquirers to handle. Concerning whether God exists or not Moore realizes that he isn’t going to worry to much about it. â€Å"If God does in fact exist, I should live my life according to the principals of kindness, compassion, and awareness. Even if there isn’t a God the same principals apply which is his summation of an intimate Buddhist perspective. † I recently had the opportunity to go and see Dinty Moore speak here at Sinclair. I learned quite a lot about him during his talk starting with that he was born in Erie, Pennsylvania. One of the things that I learned about him is that he sees writing and Buddhism as being connected. While Mr. Moore was on his journey to finding himself he traveled around the country. I learned two aspects of Buddhism are you can’t control outside aspects and you can control the reaction people have. He informed the group that came to see him speak that after writing the book he became a writing teacher. He also let us know that to him Buddhism and other religions have wide similarities.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bring Safe Drinking Water to the World Essay

Lack of clean water for drinking affect many people in every continent. Around one-fifth of the population in the world stays in areas of physical scarcity while five hundred million people are said to be approaching this situation. This problem is more serious in Africa than in any other continent. Lack of safe water for drinking is explored in the accompanying paper. In this paper, results of lack of clean drinking water in Africa is assessed more so in Sub-Saharan Africa. This paper also explores the impact of water scarcity on stability of Africa and the World. It further evaluates how United Nations have helped solve the problem and ways in which developing countries can ensure they have adequate clean water. Lack of safe water for drinking is a one of the leading problem in the world. It has an impact on over 1.1 billion people all over the world. Safe drinking water is defined by World health Organization, United Nations Children’s Fund and Joint Monitoring Program for Water Supply and Sanitation as water that has microbial, physical and chemical characteristics that meet the guidelines of National standard on quality of drinking water (Campbell, Caldwell, Hopkins, Heaney, Wing, Wilson, et al. 2013). Lack of safe drinking water is looked through a population to water equation treated by hydrologists as 7,700 cubic meters per person. This is the threshold for meeting water requirement for every industrial, agricultural production and the environment. It is said that a threshold of less than 1,000 cubic meters of water represent water scarcity and below 500 cubic meters of water represent a state of absolute scarcity. Inadequate safe drinking water is a major challenge to many countries. It is a major problem for developing countries that are racing forward towards physical limits of expansion of fresh water, expanding urban settlement, commercialization of agriculture and industrial sectors. Fresh water is a crucial resource in development of Africa. It is said that Africa continent has a population of 800 million people. 405 of the total population in Africa lack access to safe drinking water. It is argued that half of people living in rural areas of safe drinking water. It is reported that Sub-Saharan Africa has more water stress than other parts of the world. Sub-Saharan Africa has a population of over 320 million people have no access to quality water. It is said to be the only region in the world that will not be able to meet the 2015 millennium development goal. In 2012, a Conference on ‘’Water Scarcity in Africa: issues and Challenges† was presented with information that by 2030, 255 million to 760 millions in Africa will be staying in areas with high water stress (Barone, 2008). Scarcity of safe drinking water has lead to poor heal in Sub-Saharan Africa. People in water deprived areas use unsafe water that causes spread of waterborne diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, typhoid fever, malaria, trachoma, typhus and plague. Scarcity of safe water forces people to respond by storing water in their households. This further increases chances of water contamination and spread of malaria due to mosquitoes. Infected people with waterborne diseases reduce chances of community development and productivity due to lack of strength. Government resources are used to buy medicine for these people. This takes away funds meant for food supply, school fees and other development projects. It is estimated by Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council that treatment of diarrhea caused by water contamination in Sub-Saharan Africa takes away 12% of countries’ health budget. Government in the areas channels their energy and part of fund allocated for other expenditures to helping people affected by lack of water at the expense of other essential services like maintaining peace and security in the region. Human Development report suggests that use of water by human is mainly on agriculture and irrigation. In Sub-Saharan Africa, agricultural activities account from over 80% of the total water consumption. Majority of people in this region depend on agriculture. In rural areas, 90% of families rely on producing their own food hence water scarcity leads to loss of food security. Conflict arises in this region due to political interferences in irrigated land due to land tenure and ownership problems. Governments in this part of the world lack funds and skilled human resources that can support technology and infrastructure needed for good water management and crop irrigation. Scarcity of safe water makes people use waste water for irrigation. This makes a lot of people to eat food with disease causing organisms. Women in this part of the world are burdened by lack of clean water for drinking. They are the collectors, managers as well as guardian of water in domestic spheres which include household chores such as washing, child rearing and cooking. They spend a considerable amount of time fetching water (Dreibelbis, Winch, Leontsini, Hulland, Ram, Unicomb, et al., 2013). This causes a decrease in the time available for education. Their health is also at risk of skeletal damage caused by carrying heavy loads of water every day over long distances. Loss of potential school days and education prevents the next generation of women from holding professional employments. Access to safe water for drinking will make women in Sub-Saharan Africa increase time allocated to education which will make them take leadership positions. Scarcity of water makes many children in this region drop out of school to help in household chores which are made more intense by lack of water. Increase in population in Africa and lack of safe water for drinking has caused a lot of strain and conflict on relations between communities and between countries.It has been argued that Nile River is a source of conflict in nine countries. Water fro Nile River is the only source of sustaining life in both Sudan and Egypt. Egyptians use military force to make sure they retain control over Nile River because she has no other source of water. This conflict runs from the colonial era when England textile factories depended on Sudan and Egypt agricultural activities. After the colonial era, Egypt continued to create political instability in Ethiopia. It blocked international financing agencies from giving loans to Ethiopia in order to finance projects on the river. The conflict is now real because Ethiopia has now managed to carry out water projects on her own like building hydro-power dams and irrigation programs. Egypt has been reported to issue threats of war to Tanzania and Ethiopia. In 1970s, Egypt armed Somalia separatist rebels in Ethiopia in the Somali invasion. The nine involved states have had agreements and treaties in a bid to control conflict. However, treaties and agreements have resulted to inequitable rights of using water from Nile River between countries. An example is a treaty between Great Britain and Ethiopia, Emperor Menelik II, king of kings of Ethiopia. He agreed with the government of His Britannic Majesty not to construct or permit construction projects across Blue Nile, the Sobat and Lake Tana in 1902. In 1906, an agreement between Britain and Government of Independent state of Congo would not construct or permit any construction of projects over or near Semliki or Isango rivet that would reduce the amount of water entering Lake Albert. In 1925, conflict between Egypt and Ethiopia escalated because Ethiopia opposed earlier agreements (Dreibelbis et al., 2013). The League of Nations demanded Italy and British government give an explanation on sovereignty of Ethiopia on Lake Tana. The League of Nations did not help resolve the conflict because there was no self enforcing and reliable mechanism to protect the property rights of stakeholders which is necessary for international water development to be applied. Due to failure of United Nations to help solve the Nile basin conflict, nine riparian states formed a partnership called Nile Basin Initiative. Its mandate is to develop Nile River in a cooperative way, sharing social-economic benefits that promote regional security and peace. World Bank agreed to support the work of Nile Basin Initiative as a development partner as well as an administrator of multi donor Nile Basin Trust Fund. Disputes have also erupted in Niger River Basin. Disagreements and disputes in this basin are caused by limited access to safe drinking water. The disputes are between communities in Mali, Nigeria, and Niger. River flows and rainfall have reduced from 1970s leading to tension between two communities that live in the basin. The two communities are pastoralists and farmers. Pastoralists are forced by lack of water to travel farther with their herds. On the other hand, farmers expand their cropland to take care of increasing population. This reduces pathways that are available to herder and their livestock. Tension increased due to poor policy decisions. In Lokoga in Nigeria, government started dredging Niger River in early 2009 to increase commercial shipping (Huang, Jacangelo & Schwab, 2011). The government of Nigeria argued that dredging would help reduce flooding but late farmer suffered from floods in 2010. Farmers resulted to building homes and cultivating land away from the river leading to reduction in land available for grazing. This has facilitated conflict between the two communities greatly. New dams rose built by the government of Nigeria raised ecological issues that provoked hard negotiations over sharing of resources equitably in Niger Basin (Loftus, 2009). It was reported that Mali and Niger did not support construction of dams across the river. Navigation of the river was also constrained by the availability of large boats when water is deep enough. Climate change in Niger Basin has caused a high degree of variability in river flows, rainfall and temperature. The international community is doing little in helping the conflicting countries in the Niger Basin resolve the conflict. Scarcity of safe drinking water has also led to a lot of competition in Volta River basin. Volter River basin is said to be one of the poorest part in Africa continent and is shared by six West African states. People in the basin depend on agriculture as their means of livelihood. The population in West Africa is growing at the rate of 3% thus putting pressure on water resources and land. Burkina Faso is increasing agricultural development upstream using surface resources such as water (Okun, 1991). Water development in Burkina Faso has had a negative impact on Akosombo Dam which Ghana depends on for its energy supply. In 1998, low water level caused energy crisis in Ghana which ended up blaming Burkina Faso water project. Low water levels could have been caused by other factors such as unreliable rainfall variability. Peaceful conflict resolutions could be hindered in the future by insufficient communication between Ghana and Burkina Faso (Ram, Kelsey, Miarintsoa, Rakotomalala, Duns ton, & Quick, 2007). Ghana wants to create dams for power generation while Burkina Faso plans to use water for irrigation hence causing conflicts of interest. This conflict received international community recognition which formed a major inter-governmental program to enhance regional cooperation. Green cross water for peace project was put in place to ensure full and also active involvement of representatives of civil societies across the region in generation of basin’s agreement, management policies and principles. Developing countries can learn form developed countries on how to have adequate water supply and sanitation facilities, management of floods, pollution, management of rivers and large dams. Ram et al. (2007) argues that good governance can help address the lack of safe drinking water. He further argues that good governance is essential in procuring loans and aid for water projects form international organizations like world bank, International Monetary Fund, Africa Development bank and from developed countries like Britain, Germany, china, France, united Sates of America and Russia (Rosenberg, 2010). An example of a country that applied good governance to address water problem is South Africa. After Apartheid, the government of South Africa inherited huge problems of access to safe drinking water. It had a population of over 15 million people lacked access to clean water. The government managed to commit itself to high standards and investment subsidies to achieve its goal. From that time South Africa has made good progress to a point where it reached the universal access to improved water source in its urban centers. Similarly, the percentage of people in rural areas with access to clean water increased from sixty six percent to seventy nine percent from 1991 to 2010 (Loftus, 2009). Good governance will help government in developing countries partner with institutions that will help turn all underperforming utilities into good service providers. They would also benefit from the expertise in local, national and international sectors. Research has shown that it is difficult to change processes in water sectors. There has been friction between stakeholder and partners in determining priorities. This led to ambiguities in the role and responsibilities allocation resulting to the high cost of transaction. Just like in developed countries, good governance in developing countries will enable providers and policymakers are accountable to water users. This assists in improving services and enhancing consumer understanding the need for changes and the possible contribution of public private partnership (Ram et al., 2007). Great relationship with international financial institutions will enable developed countries have an adequate supply of safe water. World Bank is known to finance building of infrastructure such as funds to dig boreholes. It usually subsidizes the cost of infrastructure through inter-governmental transfers, donor projects and social development funds (Okun, 1991). Developing countries should consider the use of use Decentralized Mebran Filtration system. This technology provides safe drinking water that is clean. This system employs effective ways of removing surrogate bacteria and parasites from drinking water hat is responsible for contamination of water. This method is affordable to low income countries. Decentralized Mebran Filtration system is appropriate where central municipal water treatment is not possible. It aims to apply integrated bench scale and field scale approach in evaluating sustainability of Decentralized Mebran Filtration system in providing safe drinking water (Huang et al., 2011). Another possible solution is applying desalinization technology. This technology is said to filter salty water through membranes and removing salt through a process of electro dialysis and the reverse osmosis. The technology has worked in over one hundred and thirty countries in Middle East and in North Africa. With this technology, countries that are currently using it produce over six billion gallons of safe drinking water a day. Recycling and filtration should also be encouraged because the two methods are easy and cheap. Conserving water can also be achieved on a smaller scale beginning with improvement in homes (EMD, 2009). Developed countries should explore and exploit underground water. A country like Kenya and Namibia has discovered a 10,000 year old supply of water in underground aquifers. This underground water can satisfy the needs of Namibia for over four hundred years. Researchers argue that throughout Africa, there is twenty times more underground water than volume of surface water. The population of Africa is expected to increase to over two billion in 2050. This implies that countries need to explore other sources of water since traditional sources of fresh water are affected by changes in climate, lack of rainfall and rises in temperature that evaporate lakes and rivers. Other methods that developing countries should encourage their citizens to use include boiling water. It is an efficient method of water sterilization though boiling is costly in terms of fuel use. Another method is solar disinfection by use of ultraviolet radiation. This method is cheap and less damaging. It involves putting water in transparent plastic bottles and exposing it to sunlight for about forty eight hours. This technology cost people nothing by only plastic bottles full of water on corrugated metal roof. Low income countries should also start water projects like water dams and rain catchment systems. These methods are simple and inexpensive. A well close to a village or in a village ensures people do not walk long distances in search of water. It saves time hence making sure there is enough time allocated for other things like learning (Barone, 2008). Campbell et al. (2013) argues that integrated research can help countries achieve adequate supply of safe water for drinking. He attributes the lack of water to fear and inadequate reorganization by communities. He points out that global research can help solve the problem of water scarcity and proper sanitation. This implies that United Nations should put more effort in bringing solutions to water problems. African countries can achieve adequate supply of clean water if they invest in integrated research and funding. They should also put in place policies and infrastructures that attract foreign investments from developed countries such as United States of America, France, China and Russia. Lack of safe water for drinking is a global problem. It affects both developed countries as well as developing countries. United Nations should look for ways to deal with water scarcity and amicable ways of resolving political instabilities resulting from water stress. Developing countries should learn from developed countries on the most appropriate ways of providing clean water. They should maintain good governance and a good environment that can attract foreign investors as well as donors. Through collective effort from all stakeholders, the problem of water can be solved. References Barone, J. (2008). Better Water. Discovery, 29(5), 31-32. Campbell, R. L., Caldwell, D., Hopkins, B., Heaney, C. D., Wing, S., Wilson, S. M., et al. (2013). Integrating Research and Community Organizing to Address Water and Sanitation Concerns in a Community Bordering a Landfill. Journal of Environmental Health, 75(10), 48-50. Dreibelbis, R., Winch, P. J., Leontsini, E., Hulland, K. R., Ram, P. K., Unicomb, L., et al. (2013). The Integrated Behavioural Model for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene: a systematic review of behavioural models and a framework for designing and evaluating behaviour change interventions in infrastructure-restricted settings. BMC Public Health, 13(1), 1015. EMD Millipore (2013, September 23). EMD Millipore Donates $30,000 to Charity: Water in Recognition of World Water Week. Pharma Business Week, p. 22. Huang, H., Jacangelo, J. G., & Schwab, K. J. (2011). Decentralized Membrane Filtration System for Sustainable and Safe Drinking Water Supply in Low-Income Countries: Baseline Study. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 137(11), 981-989. Loftus, A. (2009). Rethinking Political Ecologies of Water. Third World Quarterly, 30(5), 953-968. Okun, D. A. (1991). A Water and Sanitation Strategy for the Developing World. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 33(8), 16-43. Ram, P. K., Kelsey, E., Miarintsoa, R. R., Rakotomalala, O., Dunston, C., & Quick, R. E. (2007). Bringing Safe Water to Remote Populations: An Evaluation of a Portable Point-of-Use Intervention in Rural Madagascar. American Journal of Public Health, 97(3), 398-400. Rosenberg, T. (2010). The burden of thirst. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Magazine. Source document

Monday, July 29, 2019

Marketing Management Individual work week11 Coursework

Marketing Management Individual work week11 - Coursework Example Point-of-purchase promotions have been popularized as a method of increasing sales as it is reported to have a great impact in influencing consumer buying behavior. While there are consumers who are insistent on brand loyalty, most of them decide to purchase and try new brands especially when their preferred brands are out of stock. If such a product happens to be better than the original brand, consumers can make the decision to switch the brands. Some of the promotions that I recently came across include McDonald’s food products, apparel stores and grocery stores (Jones et al, 2003). At the point of sale, McDonald’s burgers, fries, burgers, beef and all their food products are displayed on a screen in a very appealing way. The purpose of such display is to entice consumers who are passing by to feel hungry even when they are not really hungry, and thereby end up buying their food. The point of sale advertisement of their food items is also aimed at adding to, rather than changing the beliefs of people who believe that their products are high in fat by promoting the sweet tastes and convenience of their food. I felt that he point of purchase of McDonald’s beef was very helpful as it was not interested in changing my perception about the dangers of eating product with so much fat, but revealing why it is convenient for me to have such beef once on a while, and therefore they influenced me into purchasing a piece of McDonald’s beef. This type of media is very effective and I would recommend that McDonald spend their advertising budget on this f orm of media. Sometimes people go inside the stores and come out without there being major variations inside. However, the apparel stores are changing that by making their front door an invaluable tool of enticing consumers to enter the store and make a purchase. This is done by displaying the best designs and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Article Review 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article Review 1 - Essay Example The study by The Employment Policies Institute, a nonprofit research organization, proves that for every 10 per cent increase, the unemployment among minorities like the Hispanics, teenagers and African Americans has increased considerably. Moreover, low-skilled unemployment among high school drop-outs has also grown. Studies by Dr. David Neumark, a University of California, Irvine economist, support these findings and states that the law has â€Å"the largest negative effects on low-skilled employees, such as teens and minority teens†. By destroying the opportunities of entry-level jobs for many, the law robs them of the right to learn skills and develop good work habits which would help them develop a career. James Sherk, a labour policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation, points out that the law also has the negative effect of reducing many workers’ job opportunities and working hours. He observes that â€Å"wage hikes cause businesses to reduce the number of workers they hire and the hours they ask their employees to work†. Though there are some workers who initially earned near the minimum wage experience gains, the general impact would be a negative one for those who seek entry-level jobs, as Neumark’s study suggests. According to the Hoover institution, 20 per cent could lose their jobs unless there are offsetting tax cuts for small businesses. Lambro points out that there is an increasing tendency among industries to replace workers with machines, computers and the internet facility, to avoid the extra expenses they would have to meet by paying the minimum wages to a large number of people. Such job reduction will accelerate if the law continues to impose burde n on small businesses. Moreover, Sherk’s study also points out that the general benefactors of the law are not poor, dispossessed people, but teenagers from affluent families. This again reduces the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

I DONT HAVE ONE YET Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

I DONT HAVE ONE YET - Research Paper Example She had just been married for two years; and already was getting a lot of trouble in her marriage. She was really traumatized by the inevitably changing circumstances in her marriage following a strong and stable relationship she had had with her boyfriend. I remember when she was still in college and was really in love with her boyfriend Martin. Martin too loved her and this is the reason they got married immediately after finishing college. Liz was my best friend and this automatically qualified Martin as a good friend of mine. Consequently, we had many common friends because of this marriage and the friendship network. When Martin proposed divorce as a measure of solving their problems, we were all really devastated and Liz was too depressed to control the situation. I sympathized and empathized with her and at most times everything just went out of hand and I felt like I could no longer help in solving their situation. I too grew distressed of this. We no longer had good moments with Liz as we always deed since she spent most of her time in the bed weeping. Overtime she even grew cold and impossible to engage in a conversation. This reciprocated by withdrawing from our friendship and even withdrawing from her own self; she was no longer eating well nor caring fr her personal hygiene. There is a tremendous increase in divorce rates in the world today especially in the Northern America. In he United States of America, the current divorce rates lies at 50%. This typically means that 50% of America’s marriages end in dissolution (Cherlin Pgs 28-29). This is an alarming issue in the world today as divorce comes with many consequences that negatively involve even the innocent children that find themselves in the middle of such marriages. In Canada alone, statistics show that there are 2.11 divorces per every 500 families; there were 70,226 divorce cases in 2008 alone. This rate is a bit higher in America where there are 3.6 divorce cases per every 1,000 pe ople or 500 families (Cherlin Pg 29). The reasons for divorce varies from one region in the Northern America to another but the impacts are similar (Levinger & Oliver Pg 103). Divorce is a very bitter and heartbreaking monster to many families in the current generation. It mostly involves couples that at one point were very happy together, and they go through traumatizing moments to forget such days after divorce. It is so hard and it takes a long time and a lot of strength for such couples to overcome the confusion and trauma surrounding life, love and relationships. Martin had started withdrawing from Liz immediately they lost their first child at five months. Their child died of chronic pneumonia and Martin had always felt a sense of blame to Liz. He always accused her of negligence and lack of proper care to the child in terms proper and protective dressing of the child. Therefore, he withdrew from Liz after the child’s death and when Liz was devastated and tired of pursu ing Martin’s closeness, she too withdrew: not to me this time, bur to our other male friend Jack. Martin felt bad and in turn started being overprotective and jealous about Liz and Jack. At some point, he even engaged jack in a fight and the whole friendship network was falling apart. Liz instead withdrew further to a point that Martin proposed a divorce. This is when Liz again started to feel that she needed him more than

Friday, July 26, 2019

Corn Air Marketing Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Corn Air Marketing Strategy - Essay Example There is no doubt that marketing is an effective determinant of a business success in an industry, especially where there is high competition. Customers chose a particular product based on the information available and to which persuades them towards that product. Indeed, the information in the market is provided through the use of marketing. Marketing hence attracts consumers in many ways. Through marketing, the company creates image and branding that distinguishes them from the competitors, and as Shimp (2010) noted, differentiation is essentials especially to an industry where goods are similar. Accordingly, the public is aware of the existence of the commodity and the associated owner. Furthermore, establishing an effective marketing is a sense of pride to the employees while increasing stakeholder satisfaction. As a result, the employees are motivated leading to better service to the customers, particularly to the airline industry. Companies should so spend effectively if they a re to enjoy the benefits of marketing. The emergent of technology has seen many businesses implement various ways of strategy in marketing to promote their products. Most of the advertisements were conducted through TVs, radios, newspapers, journals to provide for public awareness and indeed, it did serve them well since the last decade there was no prevalence of technology as it is today. With the increased information technology, companies have combined the traditional ways and modern ways to spur their economic growth.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Letter to an Editor of the Campus Newspaper Essay - 1

Letter to an Editor of the Campus Newspaper - Essay Example It was not so much the revision of my own thoughts but revising my expression of them. Argumentative submissions and genre interpretation is always difficult because my writing is subjective. I can distinctly recall worrying about â€Å"coming across† the right way. I think that there is a line between conveying your message and censuring it for the eyes of others so I was always careful to not cross it. I find that in the argumentative process, I become easily lost which demonstrated my total lack of discipline. Thus my first decision was to make a concerted effort to not inject myself too much into my argument. I had a problem identifying my audience for the genre translation and as a result found myself consistently revising but to what end? Ultimately I would begin again and again because I kept identifying different targets and it took quite some time before I came to the realization that the interpretation could be generally applied. 2. Describe the rhetorical situation as you see it for both your argument paper and your genre translation. Be sure to discuss both audience and purpose for both documents. A rhetorical situation is far easier to convey when it is applied to an argument because the sense of urgency is raised by the issue being argued. The audience is hopefully automatically compelled by the tone and terms of the issues presented in the argument itself. Moreover, one tends to become personally involved in their arguments which also is revealed in their writing. An argument is an attempt to convince whereas genre translation is equally subjective, but without the force or conviction behind it. I find that the audience and purpose of genre translation is far harder to convey than that of the argument. Argument is an imperative whereas genre interpretation seems to be an attempt to bridge a gap without conviction. With genre interpretation it is difficult to contemplate whom it is that

Library class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Library class - Essay Example Why? (Use the criteria detailed out in week 3 lecture, i.e. Authority and Credibility, Scope, Coverage & Relevance, Bias & Accuracy, Currency & Timeliness, Quality, and Commercialism) (6 points). I would not use this source for my final project because it is not an academic paper and as such is not reliable and there is no assurance that it has gone through the valid and thorough research processes as seen in academic papers. 1. The website ( was very helpful and interesting because it was able to discuss the issue of gay marriage using all the viewpoints raised by those who oppose and those who favor it. It is credible because it cites its sources for its discussions; however such sources are not very academic. They are also based on other opinions of other people. The information presented is updated based on the recent dates indicated in the website. 2. My classmate’s entry in relation to ____ is very insightful and interesting. It made use of current and academic resources which make the information reliable and credible. The date indicated in the website is very much recent and the data used came from reliable authors and studies. I suggest that she consider more websites from Google scholar searches because this search will also yield other scholarly and reliable

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ultimate career catch Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ultimate career catch - Research Paper Example Our main resource is your career preference. We use it to identify careers that best fit you and your current situation. We will take care of the research and analyze the pros and cons for each choice. This report will reflect different career choices, salary ranges, location areas, benefits, education requirements, and job description. Our research will provide tables and guides that will help you reach a conclusion. By the end of this report we will give our recommendation through strategic planning, researching, and analyzing of report to a rewarding career that will fit your career needs and wants. In this report, we utilize the average income from the last two years to determine what income expectation you can expect. Along with that, we compiled our findings in a table that will establish trends of each career movement and developed a wide-range of opportunities to help us determine the important benefits for each career. This will eliminate the unnecessary careers so we can se lect the ultimate career catch. The salary of financial managers basically depends on the type of industry and location. But the figures for May 2008 for the earnings of financial managers were $ 99,330 and the managers who weren’t at very high posts or at a very low post earned between $ 72030 and $ 135 070. Big organizations often pay more than small ones. Most of the financial managers also receive additional compensation from their companies. These compensations are in the form of bonuses, and they vary according to the size of company.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Coursework Lesson Plan. Games Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Lesson Plan. Games - Coursework Example Personal Aims: To improve how I give my teaching instructions by incloding a free speeking activity in my lesson. Anticipated problems for students: Little understanding of the type of a game i will chose for the activate stage of my lesson. Solution: Giving detailed instruction on the game and offering my students a rehearsal before the actual event. Anticipated problems for teacher: Having some of the students being afraid of speaking out their ideas and thoughts throughout the lesson. Solution: Starting with the whole class pronunciation of ideas and thought, then to the group work pronunciation of thought before coming to the individual level pronunciation. Procedure Phase Timing Interaction Showing my students some pictures on cartoons that are describing certain activities and then telling my students to come up with ideas of what is happening on those pictures, what had happened before and what is anticipate to happen after. Engage 10 Mins T-S Show the student a magazine extra ct with speech bubbles and description boxes describing the activities on each of the pictures and explain to them the difference between the speech bubbles and description boxes. ... Study 5 Mins T-S Put students into five groups and give each group a series of four pictures and require them to discuss the activities taking place in those pictures within their group and create discription boxes with the information they come up with and then select one of their members to present it to the whole class. Activate 10 Mins S-S Give the student cartoon pictures with description boxes but with no speech bubbles and tell them to give their ideas and thoughts on the communication that is taking place on those pictures. Study 5 Mins T-S Discussing with the students the different ideas and thoughts about the communication they can perceive from the pictures. Study 5 Mins T-S Putting students into five groups using a criteria different from the one previously used to ensure that each group ends up with a different set of individuals. Give this group a set of pictures with unfilled speech bubbles but with description boxes fully filled and require them to discuss among thems elves what to put in the speech bubble and after that they should choose one person to represent their discussion to the whole class Activate 10 Mins S-S Task 9 Additional Issues to Be Considered for a Writing activity Various additional issues should be considered for a writing activity of any kind. One of these issues is the planning and arrangement of thoughts. According to VanderMey et al (2012), this involves selecting a topic to write about, determining and analyzing audience, determining focus and purpose of the writing activity, generation of ideas and organizing thoughts. This issue requires the person doing the writing to apply a lot of creativity and to be very cautious and analytical. If this issue is not handled well, we can end up having a piece of writing that does

Monday, July 22, 2019

Cleaning Humans Mess In The Waters Essay Example for Free

Cleaning Humans Mess In The Waters Essay One can not perfectly estimate how long it will actually take to clean up the oceans polluted by oil. It always depends on the techniques used, the efficiency of the people working on it, how often workers clean the oceans and the budget alloted for the clean-up. Cleaning the ocean is the less difficult part, but expects the recovery to take more than 15 years. If cleaning is the only issue, then 15 to 20 years will definitely be enough, given that all procedures are effective, all workers are responsible and serious with what they are doing and all alloted budgets are used directly to fund the oil spill clean up. The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill into the Limelight We can take the Exxon Valdez oil spill as an example. On March 24, 1989, one of the most shocking and seemingly-unrecoverable environmental disasters happened in Prince William Sound, Alaska, United States. This occurrence is said to be among the worlds largest oil spills when it comes to how much oil spill is released to the waters. Prince William Sounds is a place which isnt easy to access. Because of its remote location, cleaning it was difficult. Workers who need to clean the waters had to ride in boats and helicopters to reach the place (Chandler and Streissguth, p. 5). What needed to be cleaned was 11,000 square miles of ocean or 28,000 square kilometers of water. There were 40. 9 million liters of oil, or 10. 8 million U. S gallons of Prudhoe Bay crude oil spilled into the sea. Cleaning up seemed impossible and people were hopeless, but there were bigger things at stake like lives of millions of seabirds, seals, sea otters and salmon which belonged to the sea and depended on such habitat for survival (Chandler and Streissguth, p. 6). There were indeed a lot of delaying tactics in terms of cleaning up the Exxon Valdez oil spill since it was the first time America was confronted with such a big disaster. No one was at least prepared for it. The responses to cleaning up were slow and generally inadequate. The shoreline of the waters was definitely destroyed. There was a dramatic decline in the microbial population. What were needed to start the cleanup were challenged by response management, but was in time attended by 85 aircrafts, 1,400 vessels and 11,000 personnel. Having been armed with all these, the clean up of the Exxon Valdez oil spill was started in April 1989 (Wells, Butler and Hughes, p. 217). Cleaning up oil spill can indeed be cleaned up within 15 to 20 years because considering the volume of oil spilled into the ocean by Exxon Valdez, five months was enough to partially clean the ocean and let the government stop the people from cleaning the oceans up. If cleaning up continued, the health of the workers will definitely be jeopardized. What Alaska did was to stop the cleaning in September (which was started in April of the same year) and waited for winter instead. Responses resumed in the next two years, where cleaning up was at its height during the summers. Winters were skipped because the weather was sure to help with the clean up, too. Alaska is known for more than frequent winter storms. This time, winter storms are a blessing in disguise because these were capable of removing the oil which accumulated in the shorelines. Even sub-surface oils were removed from the ocean, too. By summer, cleaning up with personnel and procedures resumed (Wells, Butler and Hughes, p. 218). Human efforts and the help from the environment was enough to clean the Exxon Valdez oil spill in approximately three years. After the efforts and responses from women, it becomes the turn of the environment. This actually happened when 378 of the 587 segments of shorelines were treated through the application of bioremediation alone. It didnt take too long a time until cleaning the oil spill only required simpler techniques like bioremediation (as mentioned earlier), manual clean up and limited use of equipment (Wells, Butler and Hughes, p. 316). If this is how long it takes for a great disaster to be cleaned up, then how can one say that 15 to 20 years is not enough? Let it be a Lesson Learned It wont necessarily take 15 to 20 years to clean up the ocean. It may reach that long enough, though, if cleaning up is still done irresponsibly. Clean-up attempts are dangerous. In fact, cleaning up may even be more destructive than the oil spill itself because physical methods and chemicals are needed to eradicate the oil from the waters. If the amount is incorrect or the physical method is done improperly, then further damage can be caused, thereby delaying the cleaning up process and recovery (Alvord and Alvord, p. 77). Oil penetrated deeply into the sea. The spilled oil stays fresh for a couple of years. In no time, it returns back to the surface. Before it even reaches the surface, the oil should be taken away from the ocean bed because it can kill nearly animals once it reaches the waters surface. This is a concern of the people who work in cleaning up the oceans, which is why the response in oil spills is relatively fast since the Exxon Valdez caused trauma to a lot of people (Alvord and Alvord, p. 77). Because of the effects of oil on marine life and the quality of sea water, people are alerted – from government, be it local or national, to local residents near the shorelines of oceans. This alert alone is enough to warn everybody about the adverse effects of oil spill. The Exxon Valdez serves as a living example to help people stop the harmful things they do to the environment. The elimination of harmful acts will surely help in reducing the required clean-up years. Whatever it is that takes 15 to 20 years is not the cleaning procedures at all, but the long-term effects of the spilled oil. Millions of marine creatures are killed and it will take decades before reproduction is active and healthy again. The food we get from the water becomes questionable while tourism and economic depression is experienced.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effects of Waterborne Diseases

Effects of Waterborne Diseases Bacteria are a huge group of single cellular microorganisms known as prokaryotes. Prokaryotes are collection of organisms whose cell has no nucleus and are mainly unicellular. Bacteria are just a few micrometers long in size and on the basis of shape are classified in three basic groups: cocci, bacilli, and spirochetes. The cocci are rounded, bacilli are rod like in shape, and spirochete are spiral shaped. Some bacteria are pleomorphic, which means that they are variable in shape and can change their shape (Levinson 2008).Not all the bacteria are harmful some bacteria are harmless or even beneficial. They can help in promoting good health, some digestion and some serve medicinal purposes. Lactobacillis is a family of bacteria found in the human digestive tract. Acidophilus is a member of lactobacillis and it is the best known bacteria of this family aiding in the breakdown of lactose to lactic acid and also the breakdown of other sugars. The production of lactic acid in the body prov ides acidic environment in the body which can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. Acidophilus is also used in certain drugs. Bifidobacteria is also a beneficial group of bacteria and is present in the human digestive tract and helps in digestion as well as ; it has also shown some anti-tumor qualities. Some bacteria are beneficial in other ways like they are used in agriculture for plant growth and some are used for cleansing of water. (Jeremy Simon 2004). Waterborne Pathogens Many of the emerging pathogens nowadays are waterborne i.e. they take birth in water. Cholera has been a known disease in the world and two emerging waterborne pathogens are Vibrio cholerae O139 and Escherichia Coli (E.coli O157:H7). E.coli has not only become a problem for the underdeveloped nations but has also become a problem for the developed ones. This bacterium would be discussed subsequently. Vibrio Cholerae O139 is a pathogen which first infected many of the people living in Asia. It started in Bengal and then spread to India in 1992 (Ramamurthy et al. 1993, quoted by Sharma et al.2003) from where it entered the vicinities of Thailand. It is through different methods that these emerging pathogens are spreading all over the world giving a difficult time to the authorities who have not handled such cases previously (Sharma et al 2003; Smolinski et al 2003). Escherichia Coli 0157 Enterohemorrhagic Escerichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 is the full name of the bacterium E. coli O157 which is a food and waterborne pathogenic strain of bacterium E. coli. The bacteria E. coli O157 was first known as a result of gastrointestinal illness in the early 1980s. E. coli O157 is different from other pathogenic E. coli in different ways like , E. coli O157 is sorbitol negative whereas 93 % of the E. coli ferment sorbitol, E. coli O157 does not produce heat stable toxin but some type of E. coli do produce it, E. coli O157 cannot hydrolyze 4-methylumbelliferyl -ÃŽÂ ²-D-glucuronide while other strains can. The E. coli O157 strain is most closely related to K12 strain, as they share a common backbone. These two strains are just about identical in gene sequence and also in length, but O157 at one specific point the base pairs of genes are reversed. There are hundreds of sections of DNA in each genome, 1.34 megabases code for 1,387 genes in the O strain called O islands and 0.53 meg abases code for 528 genes in the K strain known as K islands. The O157 strain only has 40% of the acquired genes, meaning 561 of 1387 genes can be assigned a function. There are 3574 protein- coding regions in the backbone and the average nucleotide identity is 98.5% between O157 and K12 (Perna 2001; Ramana 2004). Diseases Caused by E.Coli Some people who suffer from bloody diarrhea caused by E. coli O157 can also suffer from a syndrome known as hemolytic-uremic syndrome. This syndrome occurs because of the entrance of the exotoxin known as verotoxin into the bloodstream. In this syndrome the patient suffers from hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and renal failure. Anemia is a condition in which the patientà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s blood is deficient in red blood cells or hemoglobin so hemolytic anemia is that anemia which occurs due to the breakdown of red blood cells. The endothelium of the small blood vessels contains receptors for vertoxin. When the vertoxin enters the bloodstream it binds to the receptors present on the surface of the endothelium. The vertoxin will then destroy the endothelium to which it is attached and will cause hemolysis which means breakdown of red blood cells and release of hemoglobin from red blood cells. When red blood cells pass through these damaged blood vessels the red blood cells get distorted and at last lysis occurs. Thrombocytopenia refers to platelets deficiency in blood. In hemolytic uremic syndrome the patient suffers from thrombocytopenia because the platelets adhere to the already destroyed epithelium by vertoxin. Eventually the amount of functional platelets diminishes causing thrombocytopenia. The surface of the epithelium of kidney also has the receptors for vertoxin and by binding with the receptors, vertoxin destroys the kidney epithelium. The destruction of kidney epithelium leads to acute renal failure (Levinson 2008; Ramana 2004 Stephen et al 2004). Treatment and Prevention Vaccination for infections caused by E. coli does not exist but measures can be taken to prevent the occurrence of disease states associated with this bacterium. The water lines that are serving the purpose of supplying water that is used for consumption should be tested for the presence of bacteria. The presumptive coliform test is performed for checking the infiltration of water by feces and the coli levels according to this test should have a higher value tan 3 in a sample of 100 ml. The milk should also be examined and tests to check the presence of bacteria should be seen. In the hospital setting it should be made sure that those patients who are catheterized are given antibiotics prior to the process so that their chances of acquiring urinary tract infections are lowered. If patients who are on intravenous drugs or medications get infections again and again, these should also be removed. The cranberry juice contains tannins which have the ability to inhibit the binding of pili of that strain of E. coli which causes urinary tract infections to the urinary bladder epithelium. So the cranberry juice is used for the prevention of urinary tract infections. A person who gets travelerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s diarrhea should take medications like doxycycline in advance so that he cannot get infected. It should also be ensured that one is on a healthy diet which includes food that is properly cooked and water that is clean and these precautions should particularly be taken when travelling to areas where bacterial infections are common. (Ramana, 2004; Levinson 2008; Sheff 1999). Diagnosis of E.Coli In laboratory E. coli can be easily cultured on the nutrient agar as well as the Mac Conkey agar and the Eosin methylene Blue agar. They provide with grey, bright pink and metallic sheen colonies on the agars respectively. The most feasible temperature for E. coli is 37 degrees. Some of the E.coli strain forms lactose and if this lactose containing bacteria ferments then it would give a pink color with the Mac Conkey agar. While the ones which do not form lactose give a colorless result. It is seen that the bacteria gives different colors in different mediums. With EMB agar, the bacteria E.Coli gives a green sheen color. In laboratory diagnosis it is very important that the tests are able to differentiate between different bacteria. The characteristic feature which differentiates the E.coli bacteria from other lactose fermenting gram rods is its ability to produce the indole ring from the amino acid Tryptophan. Other than that it also has the characteristics of decarboxylation as it has the ability to decarboxylate the amino acid Lysine. E.Coli only uses acetate to produce carbon whereas other bacteria also have other sources to produce carbon. E.Coli O157:H7 does not have the ability to form the alcohol known as sorbitol whereas other bacteria do have the ability to form it. All these together can help to differentiate between other bacteria and E.Coli in laboratory diagnosis. If a human being is suspected to have this bacteria then majority of the tests are carried out on the stools. These stools show a positive sign of the bacteria if it is present in the human subject (Levinson 2008). Cases of E.Coli In 2006, biggest food-borne diseases were spread in Canada by the fresh spinach contaminated with E. coli. More than 200 people got sick and three deaths occurred and 31 cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome were reported. The causes of the diseases were contamination of the spinach and the environmental risk factors for the contamination were the presence of pigs in the nearby areas, and surface waterways exposed to feces from cattle. And the precise way by which the spinach got contaminated still remain unknown because the spinach was contaminated before the investigation started (E. coli cases down in 2009, CDC says; Todd 2007). Vibrio Cholerae Vibrio cholerae is the major pathogen belonging to the group of vibrio which causes cholera. Vibrio cholerae are gram negative rods which are shaped like a comma. This bacteria can be divided into two groups in accordance to the antigen present in the cell wall. It is divided into O1 and non O1 respectively. The O1 bacterium always causes an epidemic disease where as the non O1 would may or may not cause a sporadic disease. Vibrio Cholerae is transmitted like E.Coli through contamination of the food or water with fecal material. In human beings this bacteria is either active or in a non active state which may make the individual asymptomatic. Sea animals such as oysters and shrimps carry the bacteria and if they are not cooked enough before eating they may transmit the bacteria to the host (Levinson 2008; Ramana 2004) Disease caused by Vibrio Cholerae The bacteria acts on the small intestinal walls where it colonizes itself and secretes enterotoxins. Colonization is a difficult process and to adhere to the intestinal walls the bacteria have to secrete mucinase. This mucinase dissolves the glycoproteins on the intestinal walls because of which the bacteria adheres to the walls of the intestine. Moreover an acidic medium may destroy the bacteria hence people who have taken antacids are more susceptible to the bacteria. Once the bacteria adheres to the walls it secretes an enterotoxin known as choleragen which produces the symptoms of cholera. Choleragen has two subunits known as the A and B subunit. With the help of the A subunit the bacteria is able to catalyze a reaction on the G8 protein. This G8 protein which becomes overly active then produces increased amounts of adenylate cyclise. This adenylate cyclise then activates protein kinases which opens ion channels. This is the major cause of loss of water from the cells as the ions along with them take the water to the lumen of the gut. This would then cause excessive diarrhoea as occurs in cholera. The gene which codes for cholera toxin is the CTX gene (Levinson 2008; Ramana 2004). Diagnosis Watery diarrhoea is a symptom of cholera caused by vibrio cholerae. It can be diagnosed on the basis of laboratory diagnosis. Stool is cultured which shows the presence of bacteria through colourless colonies of the agar MacConkey. Lactose is slowly fermented in the bacteria because of which MacConkey agar works on it. TSI agar can also be used on it because the bacterium ferments sucrose. TSI agar shows an acid butt without gas when the bacteria is cultured with it (Ramana 2004; Sharma et al 2003). Treatment The treatment in the case of cholera is adequate infusion of water and electrolytes in the body of the patient. This would balance his extracellular fluid and hence the person would not be affected majorly by the bacterium. Antibiotics can also be used in the case of these sporadic diseases. But they would not prove to be much effective when it comes to the destroying the bacteria. It may in some other way enhance the excretion of the bacteria from the body (Sharma et al 2003; Ramana 2004). Conclusion The waterborne bacteria such as Vibrio cholera and E.Coli can prove to be deadly if not treated within the specified time. The diseases caused by these bacteria have decreased in the developed countries in comparison to the underdeveloped countries. If certain measures are taken in the underdeveloped countries then the effects of the waterborne pathogens can be decreased even more.

Why Does Terrorism Exist Criminology Essay

Why Does Terrorism Exist Criminology Essay The earliest known terrorist like activity can be traced back to the 1st to 14th century and the Zealots of Judea. The Romans called the Zealots sicarii, which means dagger-men. The Zealots launched an underground campaign to assassinate Roman forces in Judea, and any Jews who they felt worked with the Romans. The reason they attacked the Romans is because they felt like they could not practice their religion the way they thought they were supposed to as long as the Romans were in control. Eventually, the Zealot revolt was brought out in the open and they were conquered. When that happened they committed mass suicide at the fortification of Masada. The next group to use terrorism similar to how we see it today was The Assassins. They were a part of Shia Islam and they would send a lone assassin to kill enemy leaders. They did this because they didnt have enough men to start a normal war. The killer would wait next to his victim to be captured or killed, which inspired fear in the hearts of their enemies. The first uses of the words Terrorist and Terrorism were during the French Revolution. The words were used to mean the Reign of Terror caused by the revolutionary government. The ones that enforced the rules of the Terror were called terrorists. These terrorists used tactics like assassination and intimidation to make their point. They also killed prominent people and officials in gruesome spectacles. A lot of the early types of terrorism existed when people were conquered by bigger and more powerful nations, but they rebelled against being controlled. In order to survive and maintain their beliefs, small groups had to use terrorist tactics. In some parts of the world this is still true today, and terrorists use the same methods, but on a bigger scale. Today, it seems like terrorism exists more because of hatred and greed. Most of the time terrorists are driven by hate. When terrorists are driven by hate they are not tolerant of anyone who believes differently. The beliefs of terrorists are often skewed and inaccurate. But most of the time terrorists cannot be persuaded to do any different than what they believe because it is all they grew up knowing and thinking. One reason why terrorism exists is due to the fact that there are many lost and angry people. A terrorism organization must work very much like a cult or a gang. There is a leader that gets people that are lower and more desperate than them to believe that they are part of a new family and make them feel like they are part of something. After they make them part of their so called family they will usually try to do anything to make their leader satisfied, which in this case is some sort of terrorist act. A second reason terrorism exists in our world today is greed. Everybody wants and needs money. Terrorism is an easy way for someone with enough hate and drive in their heart to make lots of money, but possibly hurt a lot of people in the process. These kinds of terrorism happen because people let it happen. In countries where terrorism thrives, political leaders are often too afraid to stand up to or do something to stop these terrorists, so it is easy for anyone to be a terrorist and get away with it. In some cases these same political figures that let this terrorism happen get paid off to let it happen without consequences, or they hire terrorists to wipe out a specific group of people. Those who perform terroristic acts see it as their duty. Some do it for their country. Some do it for their religion. Some do it for themselves or that little voice inside their head. Whatever the case, these terrorists perform an unspeakable deed because it is asked of them in some way. Sometimes these people do these acts based on fear, a fear of them losing power or something happening that they do not want to happen. They also fear the power of others and what others believe. Some types of terrorism dont necessarily have to be physical acts, but they can be social attacks on a specific group of people. Even bullying is considered a form of social terrorism. Anyways, serious social terrorism would be on a group of religious people. These are dangerous because they can cause tension between two groups or two countries and would ultimately result in war. War is what terrorists want; it drives them to do terrorist acts so they will result in war and hopefully breakdown a group of people, or a nation. Main intentions of terrorists are to produce widespread fear in people, and obtain worldwide recognition by way of the media. Terrorists also try to harass, weaken, and embarrass the government in hopes of the government retaliating and make the government appear repressive. These are just a few ways that terrorist try to control the world we live in today. Terrorism recently is linked to physical acts of crime and violence, some examples of these acts could be bombings, kidnapping, and destruction of property. With todays increasing technology. Pretty much everything is controlled by computers. With this control terrorists have found a new form of terrorism that targets a countries economy and peoples finances. The internet gives terrorists a way to spread their propaganda. Terrorists spread their propaganda through websites almost as soon as the internet started getting popular and people were using it as a main source of communication. In a way this is a not so bad thing because while the terrorists use the internet to gain views and attract attention, they dont realize that they are exposing their selves to the American government and governments in other countries. Some other people it exposes them to the media and the public. So in the long run it can possibly hurt them. A way that terrorists attack people psychologically is by educing terror. The acts are aimed at the people witnessing the act through media rather then the victims them self. The acts can be targeted at a specific ethnic group or a specific religious group. The reason terrorists do this is to demand change, or a political movement. Often what terrorists try to do is restore their society to how they see their ancestors wanted it and had it back then. In the end no one wants to commit acts of violence to innocent people to keep things just the way they are. Terrorists dont really aim their affects on the victims of their attacks. The terrorists use the victims as objects that are exploited by them because of their effect on everybody else. For this tactic to work they have to find a way to send the message to the targeted society. Victims are the source that impacts the target society putting the psychological aspect into terrorism. Another step would depend on the media that is available in the target society. Ultimately they would like to control or be in the news sources of that specific place to ensure that people see and take notice to what they have done. Terrorist tend to run more operations in places where people have individual rights and civil legal protection. They like to think of themselves in a way to make themselves look like their not the bad guy and they try to divert away from repressive governments at the time when they conduct operations wherever possible. In this case an exception is a repressive act which doesnt have the required funds to enforce the proper security measures. Governments that are less fortunate and have few civil liberties will and have suffered less from terrorism than places like the United States. Terrorists are becoming more and more complex in their abilities for their operations and support. Use of modern technology for intelligence and communication recently has been especially aggressive. Knowledge of new weapons is becoming more available, and the power to purchase important goods is on the rise. These terrorist units that are fortunate enough to have funds to have both technology and trained personnel allows them to act and have almost the same amount of power as many governments in countries around the world. That in itself makes them especially dangerous. Now that terrorism is such a common thing in todays society, terrorists have to do more and more radical acts to catch the eye of the media and to strike fear in the hearts of the targets. This makes countries like America to become a huge target because everybody wants to take out the biggest and baddest county out there. Every group of terrorists wants to make themselves a name and become recognized worldwide. Mainly today most experts think that there are certain parts of the Middle East such as Pakistan and Afghanistan are the main power points for terrorism. Corruption and lawlessness have driven many people of Islamic faith to turn to terrorists motivated by religion. And religion adds a new perspective to terrorism.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Effective Foreshadowing in King Lear :: King Lear essays

Effective Foreshadowing in King Lear    The first scene of a play usually sets up the basic themes and situations that the remainder will work with. In Shakespeare’s play King Lear, the very first scene presents many of the play's basic themes and images. The recurrent imagery of human senses and of "nothing," the distortion of familial and social ties, the gradual dissolution of Lear's kingship, all make their first appearances in the first lines of Shakespeare's play.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Much of the imagery in King Lear's first scene presages what is to come in the play. Often characters refer to senses, particularly sight, whether as a comment on the necessity of sensing consequences before acting (as Lear does not), or as yet another of Shakespeare's comments (most apparent in Hamlet) on "seeming." The destruction of Gloucester's eyes and his subsequent musings ("I stumbled when I saw" (IV.i.19) etc.) are a more graphical presentation of this basic theme which originally appears in Lear's first scene. Goneril declares Lear is "dearer than eyesight" (I.i.56) to her (though she is the one who later suggests putting Gloucester's eyes out for his "treachery"). Regan goes further, proclaiming "I profess / Myself an enemy to all other joys / Which the most precious square of sense possesses" (I.i. 72-74). Crossed in his wrath by Kent, Lear cries "Out of my sight!" (I.i.157), only to be reproved with Kent's "See better, Lear, a nd let me still remain / The true blank of thine eye." (I.i.158-9).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lear's dialogue with Cordelia on "nothing" introduces yet another theme in the play's imagery, echoing, among other scenes, some of his later conversations with the Fool (I.iv.130 "Can you make no use of nothing, nuncle?") and others. Indeed, King Lear is, in many ways, about "nothing." Regan and Goneril seem to offer much in the beginning, but after whittling down the number of Lear's knights, they leave him with nothing, and in the end their "natural" affection comes to nothing as well. Lear is progressively brought to nothing, stripped of everything -- kingdom, knights, dignity, sanity, clothes, his last loving daughter, and finally life itself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the main signals of the growing chaos of Lear's world is the distortion of familial and social ties. King Lear exiles his favorite daughter, Cordelia, for a trifling offense, and those daughters he does favor soon turn against him.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Maturity in A Seperate Peace :: essays research papers

The book A Separate Peace by John Knowles is about a group of students at Devon, a boarding school in New England, going through a school year together. As the book continues, the boys seem to mature more or less throughout the book, sometimes getting mentally older, or sometimes getting mentally younger, varying between the characters. Phineas says to Gene, â€Å"Let’s go jump in the river.† To me, this seems childish. Jumping out of a tree into a river seems fun, but is something just about only a young child would do. What the reader thinks may be entirely different though, every person has their own thoughts about who does what when. But the point is that this does not seem like something a teenage boy at a boarding school would do. In chapter two, Phineas says to Gene that they should make a club. A club is not something you do in high school; it’s something you do in elementary school. Clubs are a way to waste time when you are young and a way to have fun with your friends when you are a little child. When you are in high school, it is not what you do to have fun with your friends. When Finny comes up with the idea of blitzball, he is again thinking like a child. The way he comes up with it makes him seem like the six-year-old Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes. He makes up the rules as they play the game, sometimes making it impossible for other people to get the ball. â€Å"Not say anything about it! When you broke the school record!† We all used to do this as children, when somebody doesn’t want something shared, you’d yell it out. It was something you did when you were a young child, not a young adult. When Gene says this, he is not trying to be childish, but he is trying to be funny. When the boys are shoveling the railroad tracks for money to help the trains pass along on the Boston and Maine line, they seem to have matured more. They are not only doing this for the money, but also to help the country out in a time of need. By doing this, they are not only doing this for themselves, but for the country and their self-satisfaction When Gene has decided to join the Navy; Brinker, the Coast Guard.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Representation of Evil in Stevensons Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay

The Representation of Evil in Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde This essay will show how evil is represented in Robert Louis Stevenson's 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'. 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' is about evil and the duality of people's personalities. To show this I will focus on Stevenson's use of characterization, setting, historical, social and cultural context, settings, symbols and language. Robert Stevenson lived in the Victorian era, this was a very repressive and strict society where it was expected that middle class men would visit prostitutes. This was because people were not supposed to be like animals and have animal instincts such as lust. This meant that middle class men would only sleep with their wives so they could have children and carry on the bloodline. This society would have influenced Stevenson as he was a middle class man himself and he would have experienced his own stifled emotions and hidden instincts, such as lust and rage. Stevenson may also have taken inspiration for the character Mr. Hyde from the crimes of Jack the Ripper who was committing his violent crimes on women at that time. Stevenson may have also been influenced by Mary Shelly's 'Frankenstein', which also deals with the themes of dual personalities and evil. In the text Stevenson uses a lot of powerful imagery when describing Mr. Hyde. He uses words such as detestable and deformed. These words create a picture in the readers mind and give them a general feeling of horror, evil and mistrust. Through out the play Stevenson refers to Mr. Hyde as an animal "God bless me the man seems hardly human". This makes the reader picture Mr. Hyde as s... is particularley important and relevant due to the advances of science, which have seen scientists able to clone human embryos. As we can see in 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' and also in Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein" people who play with nature and do not take responsibility for their work and creations ultimately end up creating evil things which they do not understand or know how to control. It could be said that Stevenson wrote the story as a warning to Victorian society about repression and science or maybe it was just an interesting mystery story, which happens to have like many fictions and stories to have become almost true. To conclude I think that evil is effectively portrayed in 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'. Stevenson does this by focusing mainly on the themes of duality and suppression of and in human nature.

Most Politically and economically stable country

What country do you believe is the most politically and economically stable country to live in and why? Personally, I believe that the most politically and economically stable country to live in the world is Finland. The country is an ideal place to live in as it very few political concerns and few economic problems. Basically, for any country to be politically stable, it first has to learn discipline and adhere to moral standards. In this regard, Finland has consistently maintained very low levels of corruption. In the country, there are almost no reported corruption cases such as abuse of power while in public office, nepotism, bribery, extortion, graft, embezzlement, and cronyism. As a result, based on the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index, the survey which determines the level of corruption all countries in the world, Finland has consistently ranked number one, along with Denmark and New Zealand, among the least corrupt countries in the world. In other words, people living in Finland take comfort in knowing that all the taxes that they pay are put into good use since there is almost no corruption in the country. In addition, low corruption levels could also mean that the budget allocation for every department is free from kickbacks, which are usually illegally taken by public officials, and can lead to favorable gains such as road constructions, establishment of infrastructures, and improvement of public transportation, among others. Moreover, considering the low levels of corruption, it is safe to say that the country is lead by officials who have a genuine concern for the welfare of their people and who place the nation’s interest above anything else. In addition, these leaders can also serve as good examples other countries around the world. Furthermore, another notable aspect of the country is its relatively powerful economy. Basically Finland is a country that is highly-industrialized and has a free market economy, which rival that of other European economic powerhouses such as Germany and the United Kingdom. The country is also a key player in foreign trade as it also has large manufacturing companies of vehicles, machinery, chemicals, forestry products, and electronics. Moreover, the country has also been cited as the most competitive country from 2003 to 2005 and in 2006 for its research, development, and innovation, particularly on information technology. This is best shown in the success of Nokia, the leading mobile phone company, which has greatly contributed to Finland’s economic success. Other companies that are major contributors to the country’s economy include Akey Finnyards, which manufactures the largest cruise ships in the world, and Store Enso, which is the largest manufacturer of paper in the world. However, aside from contributing to Finland’s economic growth, these companies in the industry have also generated more jobs for the people living in the country. In addition, the low levels of corruption have also lead to more investors in the country, and as a result, the prices of goods have not dramatically increased. In short, I believe that Finland’s stable economy and progressive economy have made it one of the world’s most ideal countries to live in. Â  

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Prelude to Foundation Chapter 7 Mycogen

MYCOGEN- A sector of antediluvian patriarch Trantor buried in the ag sensition of its testify leg differences. Mycogen assimilate short imp modus operandi on the planet. Self-satisfied and self-separated to a degree cyclopaedia galactica31.When Seldon woke, he found a naked as a jaybird face looking at him solemnly. For a moment he f trendned owlishly and accordingly he state, Hummin?Hummin smiled rattling slightly. You remember me, past?It was zero(pre no.nal)withstanding for a 20- four roughly hour period, attachedly deuce months ago, yet I remember. You were non arrested, wherefore, or in any focussing-As you rule, I am here, kind of safe and satisfying, except-and he glanced at Dors, who s besidesd to maven side-it was non actually easy for me to afford sense here.Seldon verbalize, Im glad to mold you.-Do you mind, by the way? He jerked his riffle in the direction of the bathroom.Hummin verbalize, Take your period. nourish breakfast.Hummin did nt join him at breakfast. N to each one did Dors. zero(prenominal) did they blab. Hummin s lavatoryned a book-film with an attitude of easy absorption. Dors inspected her nails critic all(prenominal)y and hencece, taking place a microcom deputeer, began devising n unrivalleds with a stylus.Seldon watched them thoughtfully and did non assay to fix a conversation. The silence now capacity be in response to whatso forever Trantorian re dole out customary at a sick roll in the hay. To be undisputable, he now mat perfectly normal, merely now perhaps they did non realize that. It was sole(prenominal) when he was make with his last morsel and with the final sweep of milk (which he was obviously condense wasting diseased to, for it no longer tasted odd) that Hummin spoke.He state, How be you, Seldon?Perfectly substantially, Hummin. Sufficiently well, certainly, for me to be up and skillful slightly.Im glad to h atrial auricle it, utter Hummin dryly. Dors Ve nabili was untold to blame in allowing this to happen.Seldon frowned. No. I insisted on personnel casualty Upperside.Im sure, un slight she should, at all costs, withdraw d unmatched for(p) with you.I t older her I didnt compliments her to go with me.Dors hand over tongue to, Thats not so, Hari. Dont defend me with gallant lies.Seldon give tongue to angrily, unless dont forget that Dors also came Upperside aft(prenominal) me, a light upst dependable resistance, and undoubtedly saved my life. Thats not bending the truth at all. gravel you added that to your evaluation, Hummin?Dors interrupted again, obviously embarrassed. Please, Hari. Chetter Hummin is perfectly constitute in indecadet that I should either collapse kept you from going Upperside or brand out g unity up with you. As for my subsequent actions, he has praised them.Nevertheless, give tongue to Hummin, that is past and we git let it go. Let us talk close to what happened Upperside, Seldon.Seldon looke d well-nigh and verbalise guardedly, Is it safe to do so?Hummin smiled slightly. Dors has set this room in a deviance Field. I bear be hand round sure that no imperial promoter at the University-if in that respect is integrity-has the expense to c drop it. You atomic number 18 a suspicious person, Seldon. non by genius, tell Seldon. Listening to you in the park and aft(prenominal)ward- You atomic number 18 a glib-tongued person, Hummin. By the snip you were through, I was effectuate to fear that Eto Demerzel was lurking in ein truth shadow.I round age judge he king be, tell Hummin gravely.If he was, verbalise Seldon, I wouldnt crawl in it was he. What does he look identical?That scarcely matters. You wouldnt see him unless he cherished you to and by wherefore it would all be oer, I imagine-which is what we moldinessiness pr purget. Lets talk about that jet- low-spirited you motto.Seldon said, As I told you, Hummin, you filled me with fears of Demerzel. As soon as I saw the jet-down, I scoopd he was by and by me, that I had anomalously stepped outside the to a greater extentoverification of Streeling University by going Upperside, that I had been lu bolshy up in that respect for the specific purpose of macrocosm assembleed up without difficulty.Dors said, On the otherwise hand, Leggen-Seldon said quickly, Was he here last dark?Yes, dont you remember?Vaguely. I was dead tired. Its all a blur in my repositing.Well, when he was here last night, Leggen said that the jet-down was alone a meteorologic vas from other(prenominal) station. Perfectly frequent. Perfectly harmless.What? Seldon was treatn a defend. I dont recall that.Hummin said, Now the interview is wherefore dont you conceptualize that? Was there anything about the jet-down that do you believe it was insecurityous? Something specific, that is, and not just a pervasive suspicion laid in your head by me.Seldon thought back, biting his lower lip. He sa id, Its actions. It seemed to come to its fore graphic image below the cloud deck, as though it were looking for to a greater extent(prenominal) or lessthing, then it would come along in other spot just the same way, then in other spot, and so on. It seemed to be searching Upperside methodically, arm by section, and homing in on me.Hummin said, Perhaps you were personifying, Seldon. You may conf procedure been treating the jet-down as though it was a strange carnal looking for you. It wasnt, of feast. It was plain a jet-down and if it was a meteorological vessel, its actions were perfectly normal and harmless.Seldon said, It didnt seem that way to me.Hummin said, Im sure it didnt, tho we dont truly go anything. Your conviction that you were in risk is simply an assumption. Leggens decision that it was a meteorological vessel is also only if an assumption.Seldon said stubbornly, I gagefult believe that it was an correctly inculp able all the samet.Well then, s aid Hummin, regard we assume the worst-that the vessel was looking for you. How would whoever sent that vessel make love you would be there to stress?Dors interjected, I exacted Dr. Leggen if he had, in his history of the forth approaching meteorological blend in, included the randomness that Hari would be with the group. there was no causality he should in the ordinary dividing line of events and he denied that he had, with considerable wonder at the question. I believed him.Hummin said thoughtfully, Dont believe him too readily. Wouldnt he deny it, in any case? Now consider yourself why he allowed Seldon to come along in the original turn out. We populate he aspirationed initially, unless he did relent, without much fight. And that, to me, seems earlier out of character for Leggen.Dors frowned and said, I regard that does make it a bit to a greater extent probable that he did trim the entire af neat. Perhaps he permitted Haris company only in order to put him in the position of being taken. He skill withstand received orders to that effect. We efficiency bring forward argue that he encouraged his materialisation intern, Clowzia, to engage Haris wariness and draw him by from the group, isolating him. That would account for Leggens odd lack of concern over Haris absence when it came time to go below. He would insist that Hari had left-hand(a) earlier, aroundthing he would hurt laid the tooshie for, since he had carefully telled him how to go down by himself. It would also account for his hesitance to go back up in search of him, since he would not compulsion to waste time looking for person he assumed would not be found.Hummin, who had listened carefully, said, You make an interesting case against him, tho lets not accept that too readily either. later on all, he did come Upperside with you in the end.Beca social function footsteps had been detected. The Chief Seismologist had been witness to that.Well, did Leggen targe t reversal and surprise when Seldon was found? I remember, beyond that of alineing almostone who had been brought into essential menace through Leggens own negligence. Did he act as though Seldon wasnt become byd to be there? Did he be puzzle as though he were request himself How is it they didnt pick him up?Dors thought carefully, then said, He was obviously shocked by the army of Hari lying there, further I couldnt by chance tell if there was anything to his facial expressionings beyond the very vivid horror of the event.No, I animadvert you couldnt. yet now Seldon, who had been looking from one to the other as they spoke and who had been sense of hearing functionly, said, I dont think it was Leggen.Hummin transferred his attention to Seldon. why do you say that?For one thing, as you noted, he was cl premature un pass oning to have me come along. It took a whole day of argument and I think he agreed only because he had the scene that I was a clever mathematicia n who could service him out with meteorological theory. I was un diverge intensityude to go up there and, if he had been under orders to see to it that I was taken Upperside, there would have been no urgency to be so reluctant about it.Is it reasonable to cypher he cute you only for your mathematics? Did he controvert the mathematics with you? Did he make an flack to explain his theory to you?No, said Seldon, he didnt. He did say somewhatthing about going into it later on, though. The trouble was, he was on the whole involved with his instruments. I gathered he had expected sunshine that hadnt showed up and he was counting on his instruments having been at fault, provided they were apparently working perfectly, which frustrated him. I think this was an unexpected development that both(prenominal) soured his temper and saturnine his attention away from me. As for Clowzia, the young adult female who preoccupied me for a few minutes, I do not get the feeling, as I look b ack on it, that she deliberately led me away from the scene. The contingent action was mine. I was curious about the plant on Upperside and it was I who drew her away, kinda than vice versa. Far from Leggen encouraging her action, he called her back spell I was equable in hand and I move farther well-nighther away and out of sight altogether on my own.And yet, said Hummin, who seemed intent on objecting to every suggestion that was made, if that dis devote was looking for you, those on board moldinessiness have realisen youd be there. How would they know-if not from Leggett?The man I suspect, said Seldon, is a young psychologist dod Lisung RandaRanda? said Dors. I fecal mattert believe that. I know him. He simply would not be working for the emperor. Hes anti-Imperialist to the core.He tycoon pretend to be, said Seldon. In circumstance, he would have to be commitly, violently, and exceedingly anti-Imperialist if he was act to mask the fact that he is an Imperial agent.But thats incisively what hes not akin, said Dors. He is not violent and extreme in anything. Hes quiet and near(a)-natured and his views are always expressed mildly, almost timidly. Im convinced theyre genuine.And yet, Dors, said Seldon earnestly, it was he who first told me of the meteorological project, it was he who urged me to go Upperside, and it was he who persuaded Leggen to allow me to join him, preferably exaggerating my numeric prowess in the process. iodin must wonder why he was so anxious to get me up there, why he should labor so hard.For your good, perhaps. He was interested in you, Hari, and must have thought that weather fore imageing readiness have been useful in psychohistory. Isnt that analogously?Hummin said quietly, Lets consider another point. There was a considerable lapse of time surrounded by the moment when Randa told you about the meteorology project and the moment you actually went Upperside. If Randa is irreproachable of anything unde rhanded, he would have no bad-tempered reason to conceal quiet about it. If he is a friendly and social person-He is, said Dors.-then he dexterity very likely tell a number of friends about it. In that case, we couldnt in reality tell who the informer talent be. In fact, just to make another point, suppose Randa is anti-Imperialist. That would not necessarily mean he is not an agent. We would have to ask Whom is he an agent for? On whose behalf does he work?Seldon was astonished. Who else is there to work for entirely the imperium? Who else scarcely Demerzel?Hummin raised his hand. You are far from understanding the whole intricateity of Trantorian politics, Seldon. He turned toward Dors. herald me again Which were the four sectors that Dr. Leggen named as likely originations for a meteorological vessel?Hestelonia, Wye, Ziggoreth, and North Damiano.And you did not ask the question in any trail way? You didnt ask if a incident sector top executive be the source?No, def initely not. I simply asked if he could speculate as to the source of the jet-down.And you-Hummin turned to Seldon may perhaps have seen some marking, some insigne, on the jet-down?Seldon wanted to pay back heatedly that the vessel could hardly be seen through the clouds, that it emerged only briefly, that he himself was not looking for markings, but only for escape-but he held back. Surely, Hummin knew all that. Instead, he said simply, Im alarmed not.Dors said, If the jet-down was on a kidnapping mission, efficacy not the insigne have been masked?That is the judicious assumption, said Hummin, and it tray well have been, but in this extragalactic nebula rationality does not always triumph. However, since Seldon seems to have taken no note of any details concerning the vessel, we ass only speculate. What Im thinking is Wye.Why? echoed Seldon. I presume they wanted to take me because whoever was on the ship wanted me for my knowledge of psychohistory.No, no. Hummin lifted his right(a) forefinger as if lecturing a young student. W-y-e. It is the name of a sector on Trantor. A very special sector. It has been ruled by a line of city managers for some triplet gigabyte long time. It has been a continuous line, a single dynasty. There was a time, some five-century years ago, when twain Emperors and an Empress of the House of Wye sat on the Imperial throne. It was a relatively short period and none of the Wye rulers were in situation distinguished or achieverful, but the mayors of Wye have never forgotten this Imperial past.They have not been actively disloyal to the ruling houses that have succeeded them, but neither have they been known to volunteer much on behalf of those houses. During the occasional periods of civil war, they maintained a kind of neutrality, making moves that seemed best compute to prolong the civil war and make it seem necessary to turn to Wye as a compromise dissolvent. That never worked out, but they never stop trying either .The pledge Mayor of Wye is fragmentizeicularly capable. He is old now, but his ambition hasnt cooled. If anything happens to Cleon-even a natural death-the Mayor go out have a chance at the season over Cleons own too-young son. The astronomic public go forth always be a diminutive more partial toward a claimant with an Imperial past.Therefore, if the Mayor of Wye has heard of you, you might serve as a useful scientific prophet on behalf of his house. There would be a traditional motive for Wye to try to arrange some convenient end for Cleon, use you to call up the inevitable succession of Wye and the coming of peace and prosperity for a thousand years subsequently. Of course, once the Mayor of Wye is on the throne and has no come on use for you, you might well borrow Cleon to the grave.Seldon broke the grim silence that follow up oned by saying, But we dont know that it is this Mayor of Wye who is after me.No, we dont. Or that anyone at all is after you, at the moment. The jet-down might, after all, have been an ordinary meteorological testing vessel as Leggen has suggested. Still, as the news concerning psychohistory and its potential spreads-and it for certain must-more and more of the powerful and semi-powerful on Trantor or, for that matter, elsewhere volition want to make use of your services.What, then, said Dors, shall we do?That is the question, indeed. Hummin ruminated for a while, then said, Perhaps it was a mistake to come here. For a professor, it is all too likely that the concealment place chosen would be a University. Streeling is one of some, but it is among the bigst and most free, so it wouldnt be long in the beginning tendrils from here and there would begin feeling their soft, blind way toward this place. I think that as soon as potential-today, perhaps-Seldon should be trip up to another and reveal hiding place. But-But? said Seldon.But I dont know where.Seldon said, Call up a gazeteer on the computer covering and co nsider a place at random. sure not, said Hummin. If we do that, we are as likely to find a place that is less secure than average, as one that is more secure. No, this must be heavy out.- in some way.32.The three rested huddled in Seldons billet till past lunch. During that time, Hari and Dors spoke on occasion and quietly on indifferent subjects, but Hummin maintained an almost complete silence. He sat upright, ate little, and his grave mug (which, Seldon thought, made him look older than his years) remained quiet and withdrawn.Seldon imagined him to be reviewing the immense geography of Trantor in his mind, searching for a corner that would be mindl. Surely, it couldnt be easy. Seldons own bombard was evenhandedly larger by a percentage or both than Trantor was and had a littler ocean. The bombardonian land surface was perhaps 10 percent larger than the Trantorian. But Helicon was fragilely populated, its surface only sprinkled with break up cities Trantor was all cit y. Where Helicon was divided into twenty administrative sectors Trantor had over eight hundred and every one of those hundreds was itself a interwoven of subdivisions.Finally Seldon said in some despair, Perhaps it might be best, Hummin, to have which grassdidate for my supposed(a) abilities is most nearly merciful, hand me over to that one, and count on him to defend me against the rest.Hummin looked up and said in utmost seriousness, That is not necessary. I know the hind enddidate who is most nearly benign and he already has you.Seldon smiled. Do you place yourself on the same level with the Mayor of Wye and the Emperor of all the Galaxy?In point of view of position, no. But as far as the proclivity to control you is concerned, I rival them. They, however, and anyone else I abide think of want you in order to strengthen their own wealthiness and power, while I have no ambitions at all, except for the good of the Galaxy.I suspect, said Seldon dryly, that each of your comp etitors-if asked-would insist that he too was thinking only of the good of the Galaxy.I am sure they would, said Hummin, but so far, the only one of my competitors, as you call them, whom you have met is the Emperor and he was interested in having you move fictionalized predictions that might stabilize his dynasty. I do not ask you for anything like that. I ask only that you perfect your psychohistorical proficiency so that numericly valid predictions, even if only statistical in nature, tramp be made.True. So far, at least, said Seldon with a half-smile.Therefore, I might as well ask How are you coming along with that task? Any raise?Seldon was uncertain whether to laugh or cage. later on a pause, he did neither, but managed to speak calmly. Progress? In less than two months? Hummin, this is something that might easily take me my whole life and the lives of the next dozen who follow me.-And even then end in failure.Im not talking about anything as final as a solution or even a s optimistic as the beginning of a solution. Youve said flatly a number of times that a useful psychohistory is come-at-able but wordy. All I am inquire is whether there now seems any swear that it can be made practical.Frankly, no.Dors said, Please excuse me. I am not a mathematician, so I hope this is not a foolish question. How can you know something is both possible and impractical? Ive heard you say that, in theory, you might personally meet and greet all the people in the pudding stone, but that it is not a practical accomplishment because you couldnt live long enough to do it. But how can you tell that psychohistory is something of this way?Seldon looked at Dors with some incredulity. Do you want that explained.Yes, she said, nodding her head vigorously so that her curled hair vibrated.As a matter of fact, said Hummin, so would I.Without mathematics? said Seldon with just a pinch of a smile.Please, said Hummin.Well- He retired into himself to take up a method of f ork upation. Then he said, -If you want to understand some looking of the bombilateankind, it helps if you simplify it as much as possible and include only those properties and characteristics that are essential to understanding. If you want to determine how an object drops, you dont concern yourself with whether it is new or old, is red or green, or has an odor or not. You eliminate those things and thus do not essentiallessly complicate matters. The simplification you can call a model or a computer dissembling and you can present it either as an actual federal agency on a computer screen or as a mathematical relationship. If you consider the native theory of nonrelativistic gravitation-Dors said at once, You promised there would be no mathematics. Dont try to slip it in by calling it primitive. No, no. I mean primitive only in that it has been known as long as our records go back, that its uncovering is shrouded in the mists of antiquity as is that of can or the wheel. I n any case, the equations for such(prenominal)(prenominal) gravitational theory contain at center themselves a description of the motions of a terrene system, of a double star, of tides, and of many other things. Making use of such equations, we can even set up a pictorial feigning and have a planet cir stick a star or two stars circling each other on a two-dimensional screen or set up more manifold systems in a three-dimensional holograph. such simplified simulations make it far easier to travelling bag a phenomenon than it would be if we had to study the phenomenon itself. In fact, without the gravitational equations, our knowledge of planetary motions and of airy mechanics generally would be sparse indeed. Now, as you wish to know more and more about any phenomenon or as a phenomenon works more complex, you bespeak more and more elaborate equations, more and more detailed programming, and you end with a computerized simulation that is harder and harder to grasp. fucking t you form a simulation of the simulation? asked Hummin. You would go down another degree.In that case, you would have to eliminate some characteristic of the phenomenon which you want to include and your simulation becomes useless. The LPS-that is, the least possible simulation gains in complexness faster than the object being assumed does and eventually the simulation catches up with the phenomenon. Thus, it was found thousands of years ago that the Universe as a whole, in its full complexity, cannot be represented by any simulation little than itself.In other language, you cant get any picture of the Universe as a whole except by studying the entire Universe. It has been shown also that if one st rainfalls to substitute simulations of a modest part of the Universe, then another small part, then another small part, and so on, intending to put them all together to form a total picture of the Universe, one would find that there are an place number of such part simulations. I t would therefore take an infinite time to understand the Universe in full and that is just another way of saying that it is unachievable to gain all the knowledge there is.I understand you so far, said Dors, seem a little surprised.Well then, we know that some comparatively simple things are easy to simulate and as things ascend more and more complex they become harder to simulate until finally they become impossible to simulate. But at what level of complexity does simulation cease to be possible? Well, what I have shown, making use of a mathematical technique first invented in this past century and barely usable even if one employs a large and very fast computer, our astronomic partnership falls short of that mark. It can be represented by a simulation simpler than itself. And I went on to show that this would result in the ability to predict future events in a statistical fashion-that is, by stating the probability for alternate sets of events, rather than flatly predicti ng that one set will take place.In that case, said Hummin, since you can profitably simulate Galactic society, its only a matter of doing so. Why is it impractical?All I have proven is that it will not take an infinite time to understand Galactic society, but if it takes a billion years it will still be impractical. That will be essentially the same as infinite time to us.Is that how long it would take? A billion years?I havent been able to work out how long it would take, but I strongly suspect that it will take at least a billion years, which is why I suggested that number.But you dont genuinely know.Ive been trying to work it out.Without success?Without success.The University library does not help? Hummin cast a look at Dors as he asked the question.Seldon shook his head slowly. non at all.Dors cant help?Dors sighed. I know nothing about the subject, Chetter. I can only suggest ways of looking. If Hari looks and doesnt find, I am helpless.Hummin rose to his feet. In that case, there is no great use in staying here at the University and I must think of somewhere else to place you.Seldon reached out and touched his sleeve. Still, I have an idea.Hummin stared at him with a faint n arrowing of eyeball that might have belied surprise-or suspicion. When did you get the idea? Just now?No. Its been buzz in my head for a few days before I went Upperside. That little experience eclipsed it for a while, but asking about the library reminded me of it.Hummin reared himself again. Tell me your idea-if its not something thats totally marinated in mathematics.No mathematics at all. Its just that practice history in the library reminded me that Galactic society was less complicated in the past. Twelve thousand years ago, when the Empire was on the way to being established, the Galaxy contained only about ten jillion inhabited worlds. Twenty thousand years ago, the pre-Imperial kingdoms included only about ten thousand worlds altogether. Still deeper in the past, who knows how society shrinks down? Perhaps even to a single world as in the legends you yourself once mentioned, Hummin.Hummin said, And you think you might be able to work out psychohistory if you dealt with a much simpler Galactic society?Yes, it seems to me that I might be able to do so.Then too, said Dors with sudden enthusiasm, suppose you work out psychohistory for a smaller society of the past and suppose you can make predictions from a study of the pre-Imperial piazza as to what might happen a thousand years after the administration of the Empire-you could then check the actual situation at that time and see how near the mark you were.Hummin said coldly, Considering that you would know in advance the situation of the year 1,000 of the Galactic Era, it would scarcely be a fair test. You would be unconsciously swayed by your forward knowledge and you would be bound to spot values for your equation in such a way as to give you what you would know to be the solution.I dont thin k so, said Dors. We dont know the situation in 1,000 G.E. very well and we would have to dig. After all, that was eleven millennia ago.Seldons face turned into a picture of dismay. What do you mean we dont know the situation in 1,000 G.E. very well? There were computers then, werent there, Dors?Of course.And memory storage units and recordings of ear and eye? We should have all the records of 1,000 G.E. as we have of the present year of 12,020 G.E.In theory, yes, but in actual practice- Well, you know, Hari, its what you keep saying. Its possible to have full records of 1,000 G.E., but its not practical to expect to have it.Yes, but what I keep saying, Dors, refers to mathematical demonstrations. I dont see the applications to historical records.Dors said defensively, Records dont last forever, Hari. Memory banks can be destroyed or defaced as a result of conflict or can simply deteriorate with time. Any memory bit, any record that is not referred to for a long time, eventually drow ns in hoard noise. They say that fully one threesome of the records in the Imperial Library are simply gibberish, but, of course, custom will not allow those records to be removed. Other libraries are less tradition-bound. In the Streeling University library, we discard horrible items every ten years.Naturally, records much referred to and frequently duplicated on un consistent worlds and in various libraries-governmental and individual(a)-remain clear enough for thousands of years, so that many of the essential points of Galactic history remain known even if they took place in pre-Imperial times. However, the farther back you go, the less there is preserved.I cant believe that, said Seldon. I should think that new copies would be made of any record in danger of withering. How could you let knowledge disappear? unwanted knowledge is useless knowledge, said Dors. atomic number 50 you imagine all the time, effort, and energy expended in a continual refurbishing of unused info? And that wastage would grow steadily more extreme with time.Surely, you would have to allow for the fact that someone at some time might need the data being so carelessly disposed of.A particular item might be wanted once in a thousand years. To save it all just in case of such a need isnt cost-effective. Even in science. You spoke of the primitive equations of gravitation and say it is primitive because its find is lost in the mists of antiquity. Why should that be? Didnt you mathematicians and scientists save all data, all information, back and back to the misty primeval time when those equations were discovered?Seldon groaned and made no attempt to answer. He said, Well, Hummin, so much for my idea. As we look back into the past and as society grows smaller, a useful psychohistory becomes more likely. But knowledge dwindles even more rapidly than size, so psychohistory becomes less likely-and the less outweighs the more.To be sure, there is the Mycogen Sector, said Dors, musing .Hummin looked up quickly. So there is and that would be the perfect place to put Seldon. I should have thought of it myself.Mycogen Sector, repeated Hari, looking from one to the other. What and where is Mycogen Sector?Hari, please, Ill tell you later. Right now, I have preparations to make. Youll leave tonight.33.Dors had urged Seldon to slumber a bit. They would be leaving halfway between lights out and lights on, under cover of night, while the rest of the University slept. She insisted he could still use a little rest.And have you sleep on the floor again? Seldon asked.She shrugged. The bed will only hold one and if we both try to crowd into it, neither of us will get much sleep.He looked at her hungrily for a moment and said, Then Ill sleep on the floor this time.No, you wont. I wasnt the one who stick in a coma in the sleet.As it happened, neither slept. Though they change the room and though the perpetual hum of Trantor was only a drowsy sound in the relatively quiet con tain of the University, Seldon found that he had to talk. He said, Ive been so much trouble to you, Dors, here at the University. Ive even been keeping you from your work. Still, Im sorry Ill have to leave you.Dors said, You wont leave me. Im coming with you. Hummin is organisation a leave of absence for me.Seldon said, dismayed, I cant ask you to do that.Youre not. Hummins asking it. I must guard you. After all, I faded in connection with Upperside and should make up for it.I told you. Please dont feel guilty about that.-Still, I must admit I would feel more comfortable with you at my side. If I could only be sure I wasnt officious with your lifeDors said softly, Youre not, Hari. Please go to sleep.Seldon lay silent for a while, then whispered, Are you sure Hummin can really arrange everything, Dors?Dors said, Hes a remarkable man. Hes got specify here at the University and everywhere else, I think. If he says he can arrange for an indefinite leave for me, Im sure he can. He is a most persuasive man.I know, said Seldon. Sometimes I wonder what he really wants of me.What he says, said Dors. Hes a man of strong and idealistic ideas and dreams.You sound as though you know him well, Dors.Oh yes, I know him well. tight?Dors made an odd noise. Im not sure what youre implying, Hari, but, assuming the most insolent interpretation- No, I dont know him intimately. What business would that be of yours anyhow?Im sorry, said Seldon. I just didnt want, inadvertently, to be invading someone elses-Property? Thats even more insulting. I think you had snap off go to sleep.Im sorry again, Dors, but I cant sleep. Let me at least change the subject. You havent explained what the Mycogen Sector is. Why will it be good for me to go there? Whats it like?Its a small sector with a population of only about two million-if I remember correctly. The thing is that the Mycogenians cling tightly to a set of traditions about early history and are supposed to have very ancient records not available to anyone else. Its just possible they would be of more use to you in your assay examination of pre-Imperial times than orthodox historians might be. All our talk about early history brought the sector to mind.Have you ever seen their records?No. I dont know anyone who has. croup you be sure that the records really exist, then?Actually, I cant say. The assumption among non-Mycogenians is that theyre a great deal of madcaps, but that may be quite unfair. They certainly say they have records, so perhaps they do. In any case, we would be out of sight there. The Mycogenians keep purely to themselves.-And now please do go to sleep.And somehow Seldon finally did.34.Hari Seldon and Dors Venabili left the University curtilage at 0300. Seldon realized that Dors had to be the leader. She knew Trantor better than he did-two years better. She was obviously a close friend of Hummin (how close? the question kept nagging at him) and she unsounded his instructions. Both she and Seld on were swathed in light swirling docks with tightfitting hoods. The style had been a short-lived change state fad at the University (and among young intellectuals, generally) some years back and though right now it might provoke laughter, it had the prudence grace of covering them well and of making them unrecognizable-at least at a cursory glance.Hummin had said, Theres a possibility that the event Upperside was on the whole innocent and that there are no agents after you, Seldon, but lets be active for the worst.Seldon had asked anxiously, Wont you come with us?I would like to, said Hummin, but I must limit my absence from work if I am not to become a target myself. You understand?Seldon sighed. He mum.They entered an throughway car and found a seat as far as possible from the few who had already boarded. (Seldon wondered why anyone should be on the Expressways at three in the morning-and then thought that it was lucky some were or he and Dors would be entirely too conspi cuous.)Seldon fell to watching the timeless panorama that passed in review as the equally immortal line of coaches moved along the endless monorail on an endless electromagnetic field.The Expressway passed row upon row of dwelling units, few of them very tall, but some, for all he knew, very deep. Still, if tens of millions of foursquare kilometers formed an urbanized total, even xl billion people would not quest very tall structures or very closely packed ones. They did pass open areas, in most of which crops seemed to be growing-but some of which were clearly parklike. And there were numerous structures whose nature he couldnt guess. Factories? Office buildings? Who knew? One large featureless cylinder struck him as though it might be a water tank. After all, Trantor had to have a fresh water supply. Did they sluice rain from Upperside, filter and treat it, then computer storage it? It seemed inevitable that they should. Seldon did not have very long to study the view, howeve r.Dors muttered, This is about where we should be getting off. She stood up and her strong fingers gripped his arm.They were off the Expressway now, standing on unshakable flooring while Dors studied the directing signs.The signs were unobtrusive and there were many of them. Seldons heart sank. Most of them were in pictographs and initials, which were undoubtedly intelligible to native Trantorians, but which were alien to him.This way, said Dors.Which way? How do you know? substantiate that? Two go and an arrow.Two go? Oh. He had thought of it as an upside-down w, wide and shallow, but he could see where it might be the stylized wings of a bird. Why dont they use words? he said sullenly.Because words straggle from world to world. What an air-jet is here could be a soar on Cinna or a swoop on other worlds. The two wings and an arrow are a Galactic symbol for an air vessel and the symbol is understood everywhere. Dont you use them on Helicon?not much. Helicon is a fairly homogene ous world, culturally speaking, and we tend to cling to our private ways firmly because were overshadowed by our neighbors. visualize? said Dors. Theres where your psychohistory might come in. You could show that even with different dialects the use of set symbols, Galaxy-wide, is a unifying force.That wont help. He was chase her through empty dim alleyways and part of his mind wondered what the crime rate might be on Trantor and whether this was a high-crime area. You can have a billion rules, each covering a single phenomenon, and you can derive no generalizations from that. Thats what one center when one says that a system might be interpreted only by a model as complex as itself.-Dors, are we heading for an air-jet?She stopped and turned to look at him with an dis port frown. If were following the symbols for air-jets, do you suppose were trying to reach a golf course? Are you afraid of air-jets in the way so many Trantorians are?No, no. We fly freely on Helicon and I make us e of air-jets frequently. Its just that when Hummin took me to the University, he avoided commercial air travel because he thought we would leave too clear a trail.Thats because they knew where you were to begin with, Hari, and were after you already. Right now, it may be that they dont know where you are and were using an obscure port and a private air-jet.And wholl be doing the locomote?A friend of Hummins, I presume.Can he be trusted, do you suppose?If hes a friend of Hummins, he for sure can.You certainly think highly of Hummin, said Seldon with a twinge of discontent.With reason, said Dors with no attempt at coyness. Hes the best.Seldons discontent did not dwindle.Theres the air-jet, she said.It was a small one with especially shaped wings. Standing beside it was a small man, dressed in the usual glary Trantorian colors.Dors said, Were psycho.The pilot said, And Im history.They followed him into the air-jet and Seldon said, Whose idea were the passwords?Hummins, said Dors.S eldon snorted. Somehow I didnt think Hummin would have a sense of humor. Hes so solemn.Dors smiled.